“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
quietness and trust is your strength,…”
In Biblical Hebrew, the idea of repentance is
represented by two verbs: שוב shuv (to return) and נחם nicham (to
feel sorrow).
On the road to excellence in Kung Fu, the practitioners need to abandon
using Li when he discovers the innate energy of Qi. This is the process of ‘repentance’.
This process may be accomplished in either one of the following scenarios:
Scenario one is that the learner is practicing Kung Fu so hard that
he runs out of all his ‘Li’ energy. Despite being extremely exhausted, he keeps
practicing with strong will. Having no
more energy of Li left, he is forced to find a new kind of energy which he used
to overlook, Qi. And this is the point
when he ‘returns’.
Another way may cause him to return is through direct contact with a
Kung Fu teacher with Qi energy. Through
direct experience, the learner perceives teacher’s Qi and knows what it
is. This is the point when he is
inspired and returns.
After this point of return, the learner will enter a new
horizon. He will deny his past habit and
use less and less Li energy.